I am the inventor of brain algorithms that simulate functions of human brain. Using my brain algorithms in machines, the truly intelligent machines/robots will be created. Humanity has been looking for strong artificial intelligence for very long time.
Now for the first time in history it becomes a reality. Do not believe the media that strong artificial intelligence is impossible, that we are decades away from it. It is all lies! Artificial general Intelligence exists right now, right here. No more expensive research and development are needed.
No one else on this planet knows how human brain works. I do. I know how to build intelligent robots, that walk, see, hear and learn, machines that behave like humans. My software is ready for use in the industry and society.
This invention is being announced since 2016 (sigh !!!)
If you are robotic/hardware/software/... company, programmer or want to participate on my project, contact me
Dr. Zdenek Moravcik, inventor of strong AI  
Papers and videos about human brain architecture (describing how human brain is working)
General texts about brain

General texts about artificial intelligence
Papers and videos about functioning of Universe
Papers and videos about evolution of living species
Thought of the day

České texty a videa
Pусские тексты и видео








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