Explaining evolution in detail
On evolution of species - Charles Darwin
 November 30, 20210  Dr. Zdenek Moravcik

As promised I am starting the series of short videos explaining evolution of living species on this planet and the life phenomena itself.

First we have to look on Charles Darwin himself to understand what he achieved on this field. In later videos we will explain the evolutionary process itself.

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Before we explain evolution of human species in every detail we need to know what Charles Darwin have written about evolution already in 19th century.

Charles Darwin summarized his thesis in his famous book “On the origin of species be means of natural selection”. In this book Darwin used the term evolution only once. Instead he was writing about gradual descent of living species from common ancestor.

Although Darwin have written whole book about evolution his achievement on evolution can be explained in only two rules. That’s what big science is usually about. Both of these rules are correct until today.

First rule is that living species do evolve from common ancestor. That’s true but it was not Darwin’s own achievement as in his time and even before Darwin many scientists already believed that living species do evolve over time. For example french physician Lamarck has been talking about evolution long time before Darwin.

Second rule that Darwin introduced is that the mechanism that drives evolution forward is called natural selection or how it is sometimes explained survival of the fittest. This is where Darwin ended his work on evolution. He was unable to explain anything more about evolution.

In following videos we will see that neither Darwin nor anyone else in 19th century had the slightest chance to explain the evolution in finest details.

Nevertheless the Darwin’s principle of natural selection is correct. But instead of being explanation of what is hiding behind evolution natural selection is more the description of the evolutionary process itself.

And that’s it. There is nothing more to say about Darwin’s work. If you don’t believe me read Darwin’s book On the origin of living species.

Last century brought no real progress in understanding evolution of living species. If some biologists and geneticists tell you something different they are wrong. But this is what we have to explain in the following videos.

Wait for it to see how wonderful thing human evolution is.

I will teach you how to understand every single detail of it.

Keywords: evolution of living species, Charles Darwin, Darwin's evolution theory, natural selection, survival of the fittest