See the first conscious robot ever!
 June 19, 2019  Dr. Zdenek Moravcik

If conscious robots are already possible? Yes, says AGI's inventor Dr. Zdenek Moravcik.

Construction of robots with "consciousness" is no technical problem for today‘s technology. This was made possible by my invention of Artificial General Intelligence simulating human brain functions.

Scene shown in this video is from 1935 soviet movie “Гибель сенсации, или Робот Джима Рипль” (Loss of sensation, the robot of Jim Ripl) in which you see conscious robot R.U.R. presented as universal worker.

This corresponds strictly with today’s reality because exactly such humanoid robots functioning as “universal workers” can be constructed. This is only possible because they have built-in brain simulation that I have invented.

The word “robot” and this fictional robotic character in the old film were introduced to world by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his famous play R.U.R.

Please note: the term "consciousness" is the word used only in artistic expressions. There is nothing like consciousness in human brain.

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Keywords: human brain simulation, ai, artificial intelligence, robot, robotics, Czech republic, consciousness, Karel Capek, R.U.R.