Artificial intelligence
Quanta of lies
 August 16, 2016  Dr. Zdenek Moravcik

I want to make one thing clear. I strongly disagree with all this nonsense called “quantum computing”. It is all lies being spread by secret services worldwide. The purpose of such under cover actions is apparent: to lead other countries into false research activities that have no solution. To let them spend their money on things that will never yield serious results.

If they (countries and their governments) have no scientific results for themselves available they are spreading lies to others. That is all what they can do, nothing else. Very stupid.

Why am I so sure?

Look, no one knows what a photon is, no one knows what is really going on inside an atom or electron. And if no one knows how would someone precisely control processes inside atoms? It is like when you only have a huge crane available and want to manipulate with it a single microscopic seed flying in the air. It is not possible.

If we someday will know substantially more about processes inside atoms, this time is at least hundred years or more far away. So quantum computers are nothing more than a lie.

What about general artificial intelligence? Is it possible to make it? Is secret service spreading lies about it too? Of course they do! In opposite to quantum computers they know that it is possible to achieve general artificial intelligence and they want to gain time for their own countries to invent this technology so they are intentionally spreading lies around the world that “we are decades or hundreds of years away from it“, that “AI is dangerous, it will destroy us“ etc. All of it is nothing more than stupid lies!

General artificial intelligence is just algorithms, although very complicated. It is possible to find out any algorithm and I have already done it. I have those AI algorithms that I call brain algorithms that are simulating the important brain functions ready for use! Machines running my brain algorithms will learn and behave like humans! No more research and development are needed. Contact me if you are interested.

By the way, I believe that even ancient Greeks would come up with artificial intelligence algorithms if they only had some sort of computer available. They were very good. But that’s already another story.

Keywords: strong artificial intelligence, general artificial intelligence, robot, robotics, brain simulation, Czech republic, media, propaganda, lies