60 years and 70 definitions of human intelligence...
 August 15, 2016  Dr. Zdenek Moravcik

Just heard that there is one web page containing about 70 different definitions of human intelligence. And all of them are wrong...

Wow! That shows how “good” the brains of academic researchers really are and it explains why we have wasted 60 years of nonsense academic research.

What now, another 60 years? Another 70 false definitions?

The way the humanity is working makes it certain that we will not survive the next ice age.

Fortunately I know what the correct definition of human intelligence is because I do know how human brain is working and I do have algorithms ready simulating brain functions.

Would you call me the world savior then?

Keywords: definition of intelligence, strong artificial intelligence, general artificial intelligence, robot, robotics, brain simulation, Czech republic