Brain algorithms
Military use of my brain algorithms
 August 15, 2016  Dr. Zdenek Moravcik

Brain algorithms that I have invented present for the first time the true general artificial intelligence. In short it is the same way human brain works. Machines that run my algorithms can do what people can do. My brain algorithms are finished and ready for use. Just ask me for them.

I have expressed my opinion earlier that use of such intelligent robots that behave like humans in the battlefield is quite problematic. Why? I do not know how to power them with electricity for a substantially long time. Batteries of a robot will last only for about 10 minutes and than it is over with this soldier. There are no spare batteries around either in the woods or fields. The same way it goes for water.

You cannot refill batteries during the battle or bring some power plant with you so soldiers as we know them will not be replaced by intelligent robots any time soon.

But if you look closely at the problem from another perspective (and I am by no means a military strategist I have no experience for devising future way of fighting) than you might get the idea that soldiers in the battle field do not necessarily have to look like humans. If you create bigger machines that will be equipped with my brain algorithms than it could be possible to have some sort of energy generator build inside those single fighting robots. Than I see no problems for intelligent robots to engage in battle fight.

Even more promising is the prospect of using my intelligent machines as controllers (i.e. some sort of commanders) for different military equipment already available today.

You could easily without any further development use intelligent robot running my brain algorithms for:

So without being a military expert of any kind I can foresee replacing many today’s human soldiers by my brain algorithms built inside robots in the not so distant future. I think that is an exceptionally great idea for the immediate presence!

Please note: the same way Edison did 100 years ago I do not wish to participate on any military inventions. I am not a pacifist but I do not like wars. But times have changed since Edison was around. Today technology is all around us. It would be very naive to think that Edison’s light bulb was and is not being used by military worldwide.

Keywords: military, war, strong artificial intelligence, general artificial intelligence, robot, robotics, brain simulation, Czech republic